Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rainy Day!

Poor Vinnie! It rained constantly the other day. He hates when he has to go out in the rain.


Unknown said...

Hi guys, we miss you. Looks like you are all doing well. Vinnie looks great! Wish you could meet in St. George for the hunt.

Take care ya'll!

Lance, Holly, and Addy

Jen Bay said...

What a lucky dog to have a raincoat! Poor Max just get soaked...

Kim said...

That is tooo funny! Vinnie you wet cutie!

Stacey B. said...

Oh, poor Vin looks sad! I think maybe you read my mind. When I posted about showing pics of Vinnie and Missy I was thinking of the times I looked out and seen him in the backyard in his fun 'doggie clothes'. I even seen him once dressed up one of the girls dance

Jeni said...

you are too funny!

Stacey B. said...

hey guys I can't wait to see you it will be so fun I miss you so much!!!! lave/kennah