Monday, October 27, 2008

My Dog is Weird Too!

I bought my kids some wax lips the other day. Vinnie went into Madi's room and came out like this. He didn't want to drop them. Vinnie likes Halloween too. Why do we have the weird dog?


I'm Jenny said...

Oh Jen that is soooooo funny!!!!!

Jen Bay said...

Seriously! I thought that you would be lucky to try and pose him that way... but to have him do it himself, well, that's amazing. But makes for a great picture!!!

Kim said...


Jenny Lee said...

Love it! Thanks for your comment on my blog about our party. To answer your question about the cat litter. I didn't make it so I'm not sure on all the ingredients. I know it was chocolate cake and pudding and then smashed vanilla cookies with colored sprinkles and then the poops were tootsie rolls. It was pretty gross looking. Not many people dared eat it. It was actually pretty good!

Amber said...

THAT'S funny~

Jeni said...

The best laugh of the day!
Thanks Jen!

Jodi said...

Too funny!! Glad to see Vinnie still has his cute personality!! The kids should take him trick or treating like that!!!

Kim said...

I just came to your page again. I couldn't stop laughing! You should send that in somewhere! He looks incredibly happy!