Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nauvoo, Illinois 2008

Our family went to Nauvoo. Nauvoo is only four and a half hours from our home. It was such a spiritual experience. We got to see the pageant, tour Joseph Smith's home, and see many other sights. The pageant was about Joseph Smith and the saints coming to Nauvoo. Our testimonies grew and we left on an extreme spiritual high. We loved it!

Carthage jail was so humbling. The bullet hole is still in the door where Joseph was shot.

This is Joseph Smith's first home and his burial sight. Many members of Joseph's family are also buried here.

There are so many fun things to do there. Seeing the oxen and going on the ride was one of them.

The Nauvoo temple was lit up at the end of the pageant. It was beautiful!


Kim said...

Wow, That's so cool you got to go there! I've always wanted to go there! I love the pictures and seeing your family!!!

Kim said...

I love your new family picture! It's beautiful! It looks like your all in heaven!

Ellie McFreaken said...

Gosh, you guys are just beautiful! Great to see your cute fam and that all is going well. Glad to know of another blogger. It is such a great way to have support as a Mom and to journal along the way.
You know I couldn't help but come get a peek at how cute Judd is this year. Boy am I going to miss seeing him at school. What a lil' Stud!
Jen, I hope you guys have settled in and that you are loving the city life. It is going to be such a great experience for you all.
Take Care of yourselves..SW misses you!
angie M.

Jeni said...

Well! Your not private anymore! Yippeeeee! I've been waiting for my invite & was thinking that maybe you didn't want me looking at your blog! :)
I sure miss you girl. I hope everything is going great for your wonderful family. Tell them all hello.
You are having some neat experiences out there!